■製品名 : 純プラチナ製 ガンダム〔GUNDAM FIX PLATINUM〕
■サイズ : 全長約125mm
■重 さ : 1.4kg
■素 材 : 純プラチナ<PT1000>
Bandai put out a press release announcing the joint creation with jewelry designer Ginza Tanaka of Gundam Fix Platinum, a pure platinum RX-78-2 Gundam Fix Figuration figure. The Fix Platinum figure will be on exhibit at Basel World 2007, the world's largest watch & jewelry trade show, held in Basel, Switzerland, from April 12th through the 19th and on display at events in Japan afterwards. While there are no current plans to sell it,
its value is given by Bandai as $250,000.
The idea for the piece was suggested to Ginza Tanaka in 2004, with Hajime Katoki overseeing the production of the 89 separate parts made through platinum processing to create the 120mm tall, 1.4 kg GFF figure. From design to manufacturing, it took 2 years to make. As a final touch, the head is adorned with a 0.15 karat diamond. The apparent goal of the endeavor was to create a masterpiece combining the rare, eternal pureness of "the king of precious metals" with the lasting worldview of Gundam.