1瓶 - HKD $140元
2瓶 - HKD $120元
3瓶 - HKD $110元
4瓶 - HKD $105元
5瓶 - HKD $100元
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【產品規格】 每瓶 6 FL OZ (175ml),經典配方,歐美熱賣。
【使用方法】 每週使用一次,先將頭髮弄濕,將洗髮水塗於發上,並輕輕按摩頭皮,讓泡沫待在頭上數分鐘後,再用清水沖洗乾淨。
來自北美論壇的專業推薦:「定期用這支洗髮水來清潔頭髮及頭皮 ,對大部分人是必要的。我自己覺得對脫髮的人而言非但有用,簡直必不可少。用來清潔頭皮的洗頭水,要待合這些條件:
1 含強力清潔成分(sulfates)
2 不含任何形式的cones
3 最好也不含作用不清楚的精油植物添加等頻度視狀況而定,一般一週一次就可以了。個人極力推薦這個明星產品Neutrogena anti-residue 」。
用這個洗髮水洗頭髮,沖淨泡沫後會覺得頭髮有點幹幹的,那是因為堆積在頭髮上的舊殘留物都被沖洗掉了,這樣可以用回一般的護髮素或者發膜,會發現沖洗後的頭髮超級超級滑,比平時的滑多了。頭髮比以前更加清爽,更加容易打理多了。我發現使用這個洗髮水,然後用一般的發膜,吹乾頭髮的速度比以前快了非常多,頭髮超級順滑,也比以前有亮澤多了. 我經常喜滋滋地摸著自己的頭髮,感歎又回到了以前的順滑。。。55555555 真的希望可以經常用,每天用。。不過這個產品清潔力挺強的,只適合一個星期用一次。。如果頭髮比較干又很脆弱的,還是兩個星期用一次好了。染髮的mm盡量不要用了,因為會讓你的頭髮顏色慢慢褪色的。。(除非你想故意讓你頭髮褪色)
Love this product!
byKikiin West Bend, WI on 12/3/08
Pros:Cleans Thoroughly, Gentle, Improves Hair Health, Lathers Well, Really removes residue
Best Uses:Product overloaded hair
Describe Yourself:Beauty Conscious
Hair Type:Wavy Hair
Bottom Line:recommended
If your hair is limp or you have used too much product or use product on your hair consistently, this shampoo will restore the feel and look of your hair to bouncy and full. You don't have to use it often - though the bottle suggests weekly use - just use it when you need it. It works better than any other "detoxifier" or residue remover I've used.
Easy and reliable.
byPetein SC on 11/13/08
Pros:Cleans Thoroughly, Lathers Well
Best Uses:Daily Use
Describe Yourself:Minimalist
Hair Type:Straight Hair
Bottom Line:recommended
Keeps hair neat and clean all day.
really works
byRhondain Hawaii on 11/2/08
Pros:Cleans Thoroughly
Describe Yourself:Minimalist
Hair Type:Straight Hair
Bottom Line:recommended
This product thoroughly cleanses hair getting rid of residue from conditioners, hair spray etc. I have very oily hair so this is a God-send. It has a nice clean fragrance as well.
Excellent Product for Oily Hair Type
byClean Hairin Nebraska on 10/24/08
Pros:Cleans Thoroughly, Gentle, Lathers Well
Best Uses:Thinner Hair
Describe Yourself:Minimalist
Hair Type:Straight Hair
Bottom Line:recommended
Used once a week, Neutrogena cleans my hair thoroughly without drying. It is a great product for oily hair, especially if you use styling products also.
After a Day at the Beach....
byblueghost09in brooklyn ny on 10/16/08
Pros:Cleans Thoroughly, Gentle, Great Smell, Improves Hair Health, Lathers Well, Moisturizes
Best Uses:Thinner Hair
Describe Yourself:Beauty Conscious
Hair Type:Straight Hair
Bottom Line:recommended
This stuff is absolutely the highest quality for getting sand and gunk out of your hair after a day at the beach! :) It conditions your hair and makes it literally squeeky clean! I don't even need to use the conditioner.
總部設於加州洛杉磯的 Neutrogena,其創辦人Emanuel Stolaroff於1930年開設了一家小型專業化妝品公司- Natone。Natone公司於1962年正式更名為Neutrogena,並於1973年上市,露得清Neutrogena與皮膚科醫生的良好連結, 贏得了大眾的高度推崇及信任,Neutrogena也自此風行於全球85個國家。1994年 Johnson & Johnson 強生公司將Neutrogena納入旗下,在獲得更多跨國企業資源的同時,Neutrogena仍然保留了她原有的品牌風格--Neutrogena way。