I-See 論壇 » 會員中心 » 論壇意見,投訴及回報區 »    搜 索 問 題 .

2008-8-23 06:45 PM 巾巾;D
   搜 索 問 題 .

      請 問 咩 叫 isee 幣 低 於 0 搜 索 唔 到 ._.?
     哩 樣 野 對 會 員 做 成 一 定 既 影 響 .

2008-8-23 07:02 PM

2008-8-25 02:19 PM Hydro;)
The reason behind is that we don't want "cd rom" but active member in this forum.

So, Express more your feeling in here, and enjoy the happiness that bought to you by hkisee.

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