I-See 論壇 » 功課討論區 » 急....ENG HW∼

2007-4-19 09:49 AM vivian0517
急....ENG HW∼

呢個係PROJECT 黎GA, 不過有題問題我唔識丫...希望有人可以幫忙解問...呢份野係20/4要交架∼∼THZ∼∼∼
what actions will  you take to eliminate the above problems??(解決以下GA 問題)

�        ~~Everyday, especially after lunch, the linen being circulated was insufficient.
�        ~~The new cleaning detergent was not strong enough for cleaning the bathtubs, especially if stains appeared.
�        ~~The guest-room supplies (such as ball pens ) were not delivered to the floor staff according to the time schedule.
�        ~~It was quite Difficult to catch the lift when staff were off duty at 16:00.
�        ~~It took a long time to get an iron and board from the office for the guests.
�        ~~Front desk staff changed room arrangements after the room assignment list with received by floor supervisors.
�        ~~Receptionists changes rooms for guests without informing the floor supervisor and released the rooms on their own decision.
�        ~~Engineering staff engaged the staff toilet during the day time , and also grouped in the pantrt.

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