I-See 論壇 » 吹水區 » R & L (i want to reach #4000 la)

2007-2-20 10:26 PM lilyandlily
[quote]原帖由 [i]婆[/i] 於 2007-2-20 10:26 PM 發表

oh that's great then ^v^ [/quote]

ya~~so great ar~~

2007-2-20 10:27 PM lilyandlily
where is Rosanna??

2007-2-20 10:28 PM ttsee
no one knows

2007-2-20 10:29 PM lilyandlily
ai..........wut's happened with her.......

2007-2-20 10:30 PM ttsee
how can i know xdd

2007-2-20 10:31 PM lilyandlily
i think she is off la~~

2007-2-20 10:31 PM lilyandlily
Let's chat about other things..........

2007-2-20 10:32 PM ttsee
ys i think so #13 left now i go showering first chat later ^v^

2007-2-20 10:32 PM lilyandlily
which school are u in??

2007-2-20 10:33 PM lilyandlily
[quote]原帖由 [i]婆[/i] 於 2007-2-20 10:32 PM 發表
ys i think so #13 left now i go showering first chat later ^v^ [/quote]

ok........wait for u la~~

2007-2-20 10:33 PM ttsee
[color=#000000]Baptist Lui Ming Choi Secondary School[/color]

2007-2-20 10:34 PM lilyandlily
ngng////////i see.........

2007-2-20 10:35 PM lilyandlily
wait dor u ar huh..........

2007-2-20 10:38 PM ttsee
[color=#090000]see u later ^v^[/color]

2007-2-20 10:39 PM lilyandlily
ok........wait 4 u~~kaka

2007-2-20 10:54 PM ttsee
[color=#000000]hi babe i am back [/color]

2007-2-20 10:57 PM lilyandlily
hihi.......waiting u so long ar.........

2007-2-20 10:57 PM lilyandlily
#2 left ja........hapi~~

2007-2-20 11:00 PM ttsee
[color=#090000]hahahhahhaha #998 lu
you love yumiko cheng? let me mk a ban for u tmr :-)[/color]

2007-2-20 11:00 PM ttsee
hihi here comes #1000

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